About vinings

Why We Exist

The Mission

We're here to help people discover and spread the unconditional LOVE Jesus,  GROW and maintain a relationship with Jesus as Lord,  reach and SERVE others using their gifting and passions, and believe and engage in the greatest mission Jesus gave all those who follow him: SHARE!

The Vision

The VISION of Vinings Church to witness our city TRANSFORMED through the life changing TRUTH of the GOSPEL by creating a community of AUTHENTIC BELIEVERS who unconditionally LOVE, faithfully GROW,  passionately SERVE,  and eagerly SHARE. 

core values


When you realize you are unconditionally loved through belief in the sacrifice of Jesus, you naturally join your heart to God’s first love: people. Our strategy to live this out is pursuing relationship with and unconditionally accepting all people in the way Jesus was able to accept all.


The spiritual trajectory of your inner circle of friends determines the quality of our lives. People connect best in relationships of similar interest in their same season of life. Our strategy to live this out is missional small groups for adults, students and children.


We allow our corporate mission and strategy to determine our individual place of involvement. Our strategy to live this out is serving on ministry teams and asking: where do you need me so we reach people far from God more effectively?


Through evangelism (sharing the gospel) and discipleship, we are called to fulfill the Great Commission. We are commanded to make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them. We always want people to know our great God of love.

Belief statements

the Bible

The Bible is authoritative and worthy of all trust in all it teaches for both eternal and earthly life.

The Trinity

God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as 3 Persons while at the same state One in family and essence.


Jesus is fully divine and fully human and worthy to be the sacrifice for each person’s sin we could not be for ourselves.


It is the work of Christ on the cross alone that makes people righteous before God. It begins eternal life and a relationship with God.


Man and Woman are created in the Image of God but Fallen. This has left each person with a sin condition and unable to save himself.

The Second Coming of Jesus

Jesus will come a 2nd time to rid the world of all evil and sin. He will reunite God & man to the state we had in Genesis 1-3 before the Fall.

The Church

The Church is God’s organism and only plan to rescue the world. Each Christian is purposed to participate in this rescue plan.